All About Cavities
A cavity is a decayed area in your teeth that can gradually dissolve your tooth’s enamel as it works its way towards the interior of your tooth. Cavities join the common cold and gum disease as one of the most common human afflictions.
Symptoms of a Cavity
One thing that makes cavities such a big issue is that there is initially no pain from the cavity when it is first forming in the enamel. The pain a cavity causes does not start until the decay reaches the dentin. Once the decay from the cavity reaches the dentin, you will likely experience some pain when hot, cold, or sweet foods and beverages come in contact with the decayed area, but the pain will quickly subside afterward. Once a cavity reaches the pulp of the tooth, it causes irreversible damage and pain will linger or occur without any stimulation.
Can Cavities Spread?
The hole caused by the cavity can’t be spread, but the bacteria that caused the cavity to form can definitely be spread to other teeth and other people. Sharing utensils or kissing can cause a transfer of saliva that could carry the bacteria that causes cavities in the teeth.
Why do Cavities Need to be Fixed?
When left untreated, cavities can cause severe damage to your teeth. A cavity spotted by a dentist and treated before it starts to hurt has far less of a chance of damaging the pulp of your tooth, and you have a better chance of saving most of your tooth structure. You can also help prevent cavities by following a few broad strategies:
- Maintaining good oral hygiene
- Seeing the dentist regularly
- Keeping a healthy diet
- Fluoride. Drinking a large amount of water per day is a good way to get a healthy amount of fluoride. Fluoride is also found in most toothpaste.
Puget Sound Pediatric Dentistry can help. To schedule an appointment with one of our pediatric dentists, contact us today at (360) 659-8100 or visit us online.