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Providing An Extra Layer of Protection To Your Child’s Teeth

Dental sealants are designed to cover chewing surfaces of the back teeth and help keep out germs, food, and plaque.

Dental sealants essentially form a shield over the grooves in molars and make it easier to keep back teeth clean and protect them from minuscule food particles and bacteria that might otherwise hide in those grooves. By “sealing” out bacteria, food, and other cavity-causing substances, sealants help protect teeth from getting cavities.

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dental sealants

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are a thin coating placed over the biting surface of a child’s molars to protect them from decay. A dental sealant is a thin white or clear resin liquid applied to the surface of a child’s molars with a small brush. The liquid sealant is bonded to the tooth and dried using a blue LED light, leaving a hard layer of protection. It’s non-invasive and doesn’t require the use of numbing agents or anesthesia because it isn’t painful.

Benefits of Dental Sealants

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, dental sealants cut down on cavities by 86% in the first year and 58% after four years.

The benefits include:

  • Save Money – It can be expensive to treat a cavity, and considering the fact that most children will have a cavity at some point, the long-term treatment costs can really add up. In almost every case, applying dental sealants early will cost less than pursuing corrective treatment later.

  • Save Time – Having a cavity filled usually requires you to rearrange your schedule and spend more time than you would like sitting in a waiting room and dentist’s chair. Since dental sealants reduce your risk of getting cavities so significantly, you spend a lot less time dealing with oral health issues.

  • Be Healthier – Tooth decay can quickly lead to more severe oral health problems. And even if you have a cavity filled, the health and strength of your tooth are compromised. As with almost all health issues, it’s better to avoid them entirely rather than treat them. The overall, long-term health of your teeth and gums is improved by getting dental sealants.

  • Easy and Quick – The great thing about dental sealants is that they can be applied quickly, cause no pain or discomfort during or after the application, and last for years and years. That’s good news for kids who hate going to the dentist. This is a simple solution to one of the most common and consequential oral health problems, and it really works.

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