As a parent, if your child sucks his thumb, uses a pacifier, and/or sucks on his fingers or a favorite object, you probably have some concerns about what the consequences of these habits may be for his or her teeth and jaws as he grows. We address concerns about oral habits compassionately and knowledgeably with both you and your child. Depending on your child’s age, dental and orthodontic options are available to stop these oral habits and to treat the malocclusion (misalignment of teeth) caused by the habit. The malocclusion typically created by these habits is called “open bite.”
Oral habits in children are completely normal forms of self-soothing and exploration of the environment under age four. However, daily oral habits also tend to cause protrusion of the upper jaw and a narrowing of the palate.
How Do Oral Habits Cause Problems?
Prolonged thumb-sucking may cause teeth to become misaligned or push the front teeth outward. This usually corrects itself when your child stops thumb-sucking. However, the longer thumb-sucking and/or other oral habits continue, the more likely it becomes that orthodontic treatment will be needed.
- Anterior open bite is a condition in which there is no overlap between the opposing front teeth when the teeth are biting together. This often occurs if your child has engaged in frequent and intense thumb-sucking and/or prolonged chewing on an object.
- Speech problems caused by oral habits can include: the inability to say “T”s and “D”s; lisping; and thrusting out the tongue while speaking.
When Should I Take My Child for a Professional Evaluation?
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends all children be evaluated by an orthodontic professional around age seven. An early evaluation is critical to monitor growth patterns as well as mitigate further problems.
- If your child maintains his oral habits by age four or older, it’s wise to tell your pediatric dentist and make sure he is aware of the habit.
- The earlier your child has an orthodontic evaluation, the lower his risk of improper bite, lisp, and possible difficulty chewing.
- One benefit of early orthodontic attention to an open bite is that early intervention may reduce subsequent orthodontic treatment time.
Orthodontic Treatments Available to Correct Oral Habits and Open Bite
If your child needs a device to stop their sucking habits, pediatric dentists and orthodontists may recommend a so-called habit appliance.
- Also known as a palatal crib, this fixed appliance is cemented onto your child’s upper palate (the roof of his mouth) by an orthodontist.
- A palatal crib consists of semicircular stainless steel wires that are fastened to your child’s molars using steel bands.
- This type of “interceptive” appliance immediately discourages what doctors call “non-nutritive sucking” — so that if braces are necessary, the duration of treatment will be shorter for your child.
Closing open bites using braces with vertical elastics — which keep the teeth together — is a common and successful pediatric orthodontic technique.
- Some orthodontists believe that in many children’s cases, it is better to wait until all a child’s baby teeth have been lost to treat an open bite; because as children age, the top and bottom rows of front teeth tend progressively to grow closer to each other.
- Various types of brackets and elastics work to gradually close a child’s open bite, so you and your child can discuss the best option for his situation with your pediatric orthodontist.
Our office is a great place to diagnose and treat the malocclusion called an open bite. Our highly trained pediatric dentists and orthodontists excel at coordinating and communicating with each other to provide continuity of care to your child. We partner with you and your child to educate and reward good dental habits and hygiene throughout dental and orthodontic treatment.
Looking for a dental home for your children? Contact Puget Sound Pediatric Dentistry today!