Partnering With You and Your Child For Optimal Dental Health
Dr. Patricia Benton believes pediatric dentistry is her calling, and it’s what she always wanted to do. She worked as a pediatric dental assistant right out of college, and at that moment, she was hooked and committed herself to the path of becoming a pediatric dentist. Her love for working as a pediatric dentist is all about connecting with kids and helping each one have their best smile.
Dr. Benton finds it so much fun to hang out with all of the super cool kids, families and her staff. She wants her patients to know she is here for them. Dr. Benton’s goal is to compassionately listen to your needs and mindfully address them. She has a wealth of knowledge, specialized skills and resources to share with you and get you what you need. One of her favorite patient memories is helping a very special little girl diagnosed with a condition that makes it hard for her to visit the dentist. Dr. Benton worked very hard with this little girl and her mom to make visiting the dentist a success, with lots of practice, having a positive attitude, and even making our very own social storybook!
Dr. Benton grew up in Tacoma, Washington, the “City of Destiny.” She loves spending time with her new puppy and her family. Dr. Benton spends her time cooking, fishing and cheering for the SEA…HAWKS! In the very early morning, she likes rowing on a lake and watching the stars turn into a beautiful sunrise. Dr. Benton loves live music, art, running, gardening and hugging her family.